Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Teaching Shenanigans

I'm starting to get the hang of things. I finally understand what Anne meant when she said, "Don't waste all your time reprimanding the bad kids and just focus on the kids who want to learn." So thats what I've started to do. I only yell at the bad kids when they start to interrupt the kids who are paying attention or when I just get annoyed. However, once class was over three of the bad kids left the room by walking over every chair in between them and the door, so I guess I don't yell every time I'm annoyed. You gotta choose your battles in this world guys.
Earlier that class one of the chair walking bad kids said, "Hey Teecha!" and I was like, "What?" and he started showing me this magic trick and it was good! He wasn't doing what he was supposed to be doing at all, but I didn't yell at him because I figured at least he's learning magic and not doing drugs on his free time.
Some of the kids are cool and yell at the other kids to be quiet. For instance, today my microphone ran out of battery half way through my loudest class where I have to yell into the microphone to be heard. So some little homies yelled for me a bit which was real nice. I just had to slam the wooden eraser on the white board to get people to be quiet even if it only lasted 30 seconds.
My absolute favorite thing is when you're losing hope on your purpose there in the classroom, right when you think no one cares, someone from the back yells out the answer and inside you get so happy because YAY SOMEONE CARES ABOUT THE WEATHER! Yes chick in the back, it is warm out today!
Today P-Moo said to me, "Leah you look like real teacher today!" and I was like "Oh thanks!" But really I was thinking, "What the heck Pmoo, what did I look like the other days. Maybe I don't want to look like a real teacher." It was actually really funny because I thought she was going to yell at me for my outfit and say it wasn't good enough. Oh life.
I also really enjoy looking at people who are texting under the table because they freak out. I now realize how big of an idiot I was in high school AND college for thinking teachers couldn't tell.
On the daily people bring fruit for everyone to eat
Its the best
I work in an insane asylum
I like the windows
That I guess is a popular pose
I was too scared to tell everyone to smile

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