Friday, November 1, 2013

Where is everyone?

The events of today still baffle me. I come to school and for some reason panic about my plan for each class and contemplate changing it, but then I remind myself, "Leah spontaneous plan changes at the last minute are what make you the worlds most stressed out." So I stick with my plan of... 1. Pass around the attendance sheet 2. Introduce myself 3. Write introductory questions on the board and have each student stand and answer them 4. Play halloween hangman with teams.
I go to my first class and I was like wow this is a small class, only 19 students. Cool! We get to hangman and the kids are not at all enthused. Like so over it. Half of the class is literally playing Uno in the back. At the end of class they hand me the attendance sheet and that's when I find out over half the class just didn't show up. Like what?
I go and hang in the English department, but then we leave for some meeting to introduce these Indonesian people to the school at 10. I lean over to Anne (the Philippine lady who speaks great english) and I say, "Well I'll have to leave early or something because I have a class at 11:20," and she goes, "Oh I have one at 10:40, you'll probably just skip it." and I respond with the obvious question, "Oh did they announce it on the intercom?" and she says, "No, probably not. They never tell the students anything. The kids just figure it out, but they like it. Its like a free class for them." Then the rest of the three hour meeting I was very concerned for the students and just confused. I guess the kids had fun though. And anyway I wouldn't have understood if they announced it since announcements are in Thai.
All of the students in my second to last class showed up 20 minutes late and I promise I didn't get the time wrong. They we're good though and knew some stuff. My last class was great. I finally got some of the misfits. They spilt up the grades here and put all of the good kids in one class and all of the bad kids in another, so homies were like moving desks around and falling off chairs. But it was fun. On accident once I literally said, "Alright we're gonna play hangman now, that cool?"
The desks look pretty cool, in my opinion.

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