Saturday, October 26, 2013

Adventures and dead pigs

We we're supposed to meet up at 9 AM this morning to walk around the school and meet some other teachers. We get there early and wait for PMoo, our coordinator. She arrives and SIKE we weren't supposed to meet up at all. But she feels so bad she walks us around the school. There's a really cool garden on one side of the school thats tended by the agriculture department and students. She then takes us to coffee and buys us treats and pineapple. We feel super bad because not only were we not supposed to go there today, now PMoo is buying us all this stuff. It was yum though.
Sometimes you see some hip dudes.
We then ate some street food and it was so dang good and cost only $1 American which was coolio.
After lunch we felt adventure was necessary so we took a bus to this outdoor market. When I say bus I mean more of a trolly type thing that is really hot and homies just pack right in. I should just stop saying it was hot because everything is always hot, except the showers.. those are just on/off. Anyway, the bus only cost 20 cents American so its casual.
There are bridges over the streets providing amazing views.
The market is huge and has just about everything in the world except what you're looking for. Just kidding they probably have what you're looking for, but they didn't have what we were looking for. However, I saw a ton of used old tennis shoes and boots and said heck why not. I found some cool old Everlast shoes after bypassing the high top denim hello kitty converse which I very much regret. The lady tries to get me to pay 280 baht and I'm like what the heck is this, no way. After like 5 minutes of no one understanding each other and the shoes being a size and a half too big, I buy them for 250 baht just to get out of there. So that was fun!
They're cool though and had brand new laces.
We continue walking around and see some weird and crazy stuff in the market.
 Sweatshop made clothing
 A model
 I guess all the little piggies went to the market
 I got him to smile

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